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Our Clients

Who We’ve Worked With

Client 3

Jed -Senior Pastor Hope Community Church, Manitowoc, WI

"Pastor Andy is an excellent leader with the passion needed to help other leaders step out and grow. Pastor 2 Pastor gave me a great opportunity to work through challenges with peers, along with great accountability needed to take the necessary steps to move forward. I would recommend Pastor 2 Pastor to anyone who is looking to grow in their leadership development!"

Client 3

Derik -Senior Pastor Bettendorf Christian Church, Bettendorf, IA

"Pastor Andy has been a long time mentor of mine and my personal life and ministry have grown tremendously as a result! I have never met a better listener who understands the complexity of ministry and is able to help me see things clearly.  I have returned to a healthy life and work balance. He has helped me to be a better listener, communicator, father and husband. He has walked with me through very difficult seasons and I am so grateful for his wisdom and influence!"

Client 3

Mike -VP Business at Silver Birch Ranch, White Lake, WI

"P2P is a safe place for ministry professionals to share their successes, joys, and struggles of ministry with other people who have been through similar circumstances.  The combined wisdom of the group provides guidance and encouragement to its members while lasting friendships are formed with each other.  Ministry can be lonely at times; it is good to go through it with a team of supportive friends.  "

Client 3

Tim -Senior Pastor, Hmong Alliance Church, Two Rivers, WI

"Pastor 2 Pastor has been such a blessing for me.  Being a pastor can be one of the loneliest callings in life but Pastor 2 Pastor has brought fellow brothers to walk alongside me.  These are brothers who understand the everyday struggle of being a pastor, the highs and lows, the hurts and pains, and the temptations that come with this calling.  Not only that but these fellow brothers help equip younger pastors with tools to prosper in their respective ministries.  These tools are possible because Pastor 2 Pastor brings in an immense number of experiences and wisdom from a diverse group of people.  In short, Pastor 2 Pastor is a great discipleship and mentoring program where fellow pastors can learn, vent, be encouraged, be equipped, and be refreshed for ministry."

Clients: Clients

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